Weekend of September 3+4

Men: Join us for more than just pancakes!

The above stack o’flaps makes all of us wish we could attend and indulge at the annual Journeymen Pancake Breakfast on September 17. Guys, you won’t want to miss the chance to catch up with old friends and new, and hear vision for what’s upcoming in men’s ministry this year. This event will feature Bill Arnold, co-creator and co-star of Triple Espresso. Whether it’s your first or tenth Journeymen season, don’t miss this opportunity to reignite your faith journey in our men’s ministry! Pancakes are served at 7:30 am. Program starts at 8:00 am. Register here. Questions? Email Jonathan Haage.

The times, they are a changin’
We can’t wait for our first night of youth group on September 7! As our ministry grows, we need more time for connection, teaching, discussion and worship, so starting this fall, both middle and high school will run for two hours on Wednesday evenings: MS: 6-8 pm; HS: 7-9 pm. We also are looking for meal helpers! If you’re interested in serving a meal to students at church before youth group on any Wednesday, pick a week that works and sign up here. Questions? Email Henry Michael.

Moving on up in Five Oaks Kids
As you return from summer travel and summer sports schedules, we look forward to the start of our ministry year in Five Oaks Kids! Join us the weekend of September 10+11 as we move kids up to their new classes. We will have some fun and games and a great time celebrating our new upcoming adventures together. We are so excited to watch our youngest Five Oakers grow in understanding and appreciation for God’s written word this year! Questions about Five Oaks Kids? Email Kelly Bauman.

Arrive Ministries info session next weekend
Did you know that the average wait time for a refugee to be placed into a safe country is 17 years? Arrive Ministries works with new refugees in the Twin Cities to supply basic needs and guidance as they start their new lives in Minnesota. Five Oaks is teaming up with Arrive to help these new Minnesotans in their adjustment.  Arrive will be at Five Oaks on September 11 at 10:45 am in room 105 to explain more and help set up teams to help these special people. Interested? Email Dave Baar.

Ladies: last call to register for fall Bible studies
Ladies! We know you want to connect with other women and form meaningful friendships while growing stronger in your understanding of scripture. For that reason, we’re offering a variety of Bible studies starting in September, each focusing on a different topic or body of scripture. Don’t miss this chance to grow in step with other ladies. Put “women’s studies” on your connect card for more info. You can also access all the important details at www.fiveoaks.church/women.

Want to grow in your faith and connect with others?

It’s probably not surprising to you to know that SERVING is one of the best ways to grow in your faith, connect with others, and further the mission of Five Oaks. What IS surprising for all of us is that it can feel difficult to find the right role to fit our schedule, passion, gifts or stage of life and family. Serving is one of the ways we experience God and help others do the same. It’s an active way to use the gifts God has given us to bless one another as a part of our church community. It’s also how you can help our church be the welcoming and warm place that it is. For those reasons, we don’t look at serving as simply “slots to fill,” but instead, we want to help you find your serve sweet spot. To start that conversation or ask more questions, email John Eiselt.

Find your place in God’s story
The Bible tells one great story. And knowing this great story helps us to really understand more of the Bible as we read it and see it in its greater context. Come join one of our Story of God classes this fall to get a Biblical overview in six weeks and experience more understanding as you come to Scripture in your daily life. You can register now for our fall Story of God classes here.

Want to join our mission?
Membership is important at Five Oaks. It’s a way of saying, “I want to be part of the mission of this local church.” If you have a personal relationship with Christ and you have completed the Story of God class, we would love to have you join us for our membership class on Sunday, September 18 at 9 am. Register here. Questions? Email Kelsey Vang.

Register now for Hearts and Hammers September 24

Hearts and Hammers’ mission is to assist low-income homeowners struggling with deteriorating home exteriors by providing free exterior restorations through volunteers. This year's home belongs to someone who has been on the waiting list for 4 years, & this year is his year! You can expect fun, fellowship, and possibly learning a skill you didn’t know you had! You’ll see how many hands make light work.This event is open to all adults and kids ages 12 and up. No special skills required. September 24. We kick off at 7:45 am, and typically wrap up around 2:30 pm. Lunch will be provided. Register here. Can't make it the whole day? Sign up anyway!

High schoolers: Save the date for Camp Getaway
Fall is scampering up on us, and with it comes a long-standing Five Oaks high school tradition: Camp Getaway. This year all the fun will take place at Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch on November 11-13. Mark your calendar now and start inviting your friends – this is a great event for non-Five Oaks friends! Look forward to games, worship, time spent learning about Jesus, and making new friends. More details coming soon. Questions? Email Henry Michael.

In sympathy
Please join us in praying for Jim and Karen Hill. They are mourning the loss of Jim’s mom, Nancy Hill. Funeral arrangements are being finalized for a service at Five Oaks Church honoring Nancy on Friday, September 9. Please check online for a full obituary in a few days.