Weekend of August 3+4 — Five Oaks Church

Weekend of August 3+4

Outdoor baptisms are back! Register now

Baptism is an important milestone in our faith journey, and we love to celebrate this as a church when our people take this step. Mark your calendar for August 18, 2 pm, for a summer outdoor baptism celebration at the University of Northwestern, where we’ll do baptisms in Lake Johanna. This is a registration event! Please register here for every person in your family who will attend, and bring chairs or a blanket for your family to sit on.) Light refreshments will follow our baptism celbration. Note: We will have all of our regular worship services that weekend in addition to our baptism celebration.

Let’s pray for our team in Panama this week
Our team of 14 Five Oakers will travel to Panama August 10-18
to serve the local people alongside missionaries from Word of Life Panama and Filter of Hope. Please pray for safe travels and courage to step into the opportunities that God provides to shine the light of Jesus to the people of Panama. Please also pray for peace for the 23 Five Oakers who were part of the original team but are no longer able to go due to unfortunate necessity of rescheduling this trip.

Find your path to serve

Did you know that we fill 205 volunteer spots each week to make everything run smoothly? It’s through the dedication and hard work of our amazing community that we can connect people with God and one another. Whether you’re not currently serving, serving annually, or serving monthly, we invite you to join us at our in-person Serve Rally. This event is designed to help you find your perfect serve niche. Each ministry will have a table showcasing available roles and their job descriptions, making it easy for you to explore how you can contribute to God’s work. The Serve Rally will take place between services every weekend through August 11. Stop by the tables in the commons after services to start exploring ways you can use your gifts to serve our community! Questions? Email Tom Vang, tvang@fiveoakschurch.org.

Let’s make this year amazing in Five Oaks Kids
It’s still hot outside, but we’re looking forward to starting our fall programming soon! If you serve with Five Oaks Kids, please join us on August 17 at 6 pm (after service) for the chance to help us make next year the best one yet for our kids. We’ll have dinner and some connection time, plus share vision and training for this next ministry year. (And yes! Students, subs, and those interested in serving are invited!) Please email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org, to let us know you can make it. 

Don’t forget your undies and socks! (Drive ends Sunday!)
Imagine being in a season of life when you can’t afford the basics of clean socks and underwear. For the last several years, we’ve partnered with The Drawer, a local nonprofit that strives to provide warmth and dignity by providing new socks and underwear to those who need them. You can help simply by picking up an extra pack of new socks and/or underwear and dropping them off in the commons through August 4. Questions? Email Dave Baar, impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

Last call for Global Leadership Summit!
God has given us all leadership over something. And it's been amazing to see the transformation in so many leaders through the insight, tips, and framework shared at the Global Leadership Summit. So, if you hear "leadership summit" and immediately tune out... give it a try this year and see what God ignites in your life! August 8+9 at Five Oaks. Details and registration here. Note: Those who call Five Oaks their church home can use a discount code. Email Emily Brewer for details.

Summer baptisms: Are you or your kids interested?
Has your child expressed interest in being baptized? Our summer baptism service is coming up on August 18 at 2 pm at the University of Northwestern. If you or your child has yet to participate in our Baptism class, we would happily meet with your family to discuss this important milestone. If you or your child has already completed the Baptism class, we would need to discuss a few details with you as well. Email Kelly Bauman for kids who are interested in baptisms and Jonathan Haage for adults who are interested.

Calling all incoming sixth graders!
Your 2024-25 6th grader is invited to join the student ministry summer hangout program on August 7 & 14 from 7-9 pm. This is a great space and place to invite other new sixth graders, too. Summer programming is an informal, open house style where the students can freely participate in activities such as gaga ball, volleyball in the gym, pick-up soccer, throw a football, or kickball. Café is closed. Questions? Email students@fiveoakschurch.org.

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday!
We’ve been talking about Saturday a lot lately. Well, we will have two Saturday worship service options starting September 7 at 4 and 5:30 pm. And if you haven’t heard, Saturday night has some special things that make it unique. You should try it out and consider making it your day to both attend and serve starting this fall! Plus, if you are a regular attender, it’s one of the ways you can serve our mission to reach more people for Christ. How so? By going on Saturday, it opens space for new people who show up on Sunday. And for those of you in small groups, maybe your whole group could make the switch to Saturday to serve and attend together! Please pray with us for the people we will reach by opening up this new service.

Serving the world right here at home
God brings the world to our doorstep at the universities in the Twin Cities. The Hospitality Center at the U of M and Concordia University connects churches with opportunities to serve international students in the name of Jesus. The start of fall semester is a prime time to check out new opportunities to serve. From airport pickups to short/long-term student hosting, to planning outings or 1-to-1 friendship matches, the options are endless. Interested? Find options at their volunteer site: Arrival Season - THE HOSPITALITY CENTER Still have questions? Email Dave Baar at impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

Students: Mark your calendar for the fall kickoff!
All 6-12th graders, join us on September 18 for the Five Oaks Students kick-off! Middle school runs 6-8 pm and high school runs 7-9 pm. Five Oaks Students is a place for students to learn their place in God’s story by opening up God’s word and engaging in community. Each student is welcomed by leaders who create a space for fun and growth through worship, teaching, and small groups. Join us weekly and invite your friends! If you want to be on the weekly parent email, please email mwissink@fiveoakschurch.org.

New member candidates
Gregory Barnsten
Daniel Visness

Welcome new members
Jake & Jackie Dixon
Brandon & Sara Hale
David & Jessica Martinson
JR & Suzanne Stanley