Weekend of December 28+29

Adults — get connected in the new year!

Being part of a church is always more fulfilling when we know people and have friends at church. Here are three ways to jump in now:
1. Visit a small group or two in January and stay with the best fit until summer. No long-term commitment, just meeting new people! Get started here.
2. Try our women’s ministry. You can do a once-a-month event or an every-week study. Enjoy food, fellowship, and great discussion that really matters. We have some new Bible studies starting in January!
3. Try our men’s ministry. Weekly meetings on Wednesday evening or Saturday morning, starting up again on Saturday, January 4 and Wednesday, January 8. Or, meet some new people at our Men’s Summit weekend, January 31-February 2. Details and registration for the Summit can be found here.

Service schedule is different this weekend only
Our schedule will be slightly different for this weekend only! We'll have ONE worship service on Saturday, December 28 at 4 pm, and our usual two on Sunday, December 29, at 9 and 10:45 am. Children's programming will be available up through first grade at all three services.

Family Gym reservations open
‘Tis the season to get the family out for some gym time over the winter break! The Five Oaks Gym has times for you and your family to reserve a one-hour slot throughout the winter break weeks. The gym can be split into three sections to accommodate as many families as possible weekly. Availability is as follows: Starting on December 16 through Jan 3  - Monday and Tuesday, 12:30-3:00 pm; Wednesday, 9:30-3:00 pm; Thursday, 9:30-11:30 am. Call Jasmine at the front desk to reserve your time and learn the reservation procedures: 651-459-7485. 

Winter snow tubing for grades 5-12!
The youth group will take a short winter break and resume regular programming on January 15. But before that, on Saturday, January 11, we have a snow tubing event planned for all students and their friends in grades 5-12. Secure your spot today by going to www.fiveoaks.church/students .

Register now for the newly-revised Story of God course
Do you ever find the Bible confusing? Ever wondered how you fit into God’s plans for you? If so, consider registering for Story of God, an eight-week guided journey through the Bible. Whether you’re brand new to the Bible or have been reading it for many, many years, this course will help you feel like the Bible is less of a mystery. It will also help you see how the whole Bible fits together to tell one big story. The newly-revised course contains all the important highlights and topics of the previous course, but it is stretched over eight weeks to make the daily pacing more manageable. We have four Story of God classes launching this winter and two next spring. Go to www.storyofgod.church for more info and to register. Questions? Email Jonathan Haage, jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org.

Last call for your old shoes!
Got a pile of shoes you don’t need or wear?  If you want those shoes to make a difference, bring them to the commons through December 29.  This year we’re partnering again with Good in the Hood in their Shoe Away Hunger program. Every pair of new or gently used footwear received will be sold at low cost to people in need, and the proceeds from each sale will be used to supply one person with up to seven days of essential groceries. For more info, email Dave Baar, impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

Last call for the Young Adults first-ever winter retreat
Are you a young adult looking to deepen your faith, build meaningful connections, and enjoy a refreshing retreat experience? This event, for those in their early 20s to mid-30s, offers a chance to hit the reset button after the busy holidays and connect with others in your life stage. Join us January 3-5 at Wood Lake Bible Camp in Grantsburg, WI. Interested? Go to www.fiveoaks.church/young-adults to register. Scholarships are available. Questions? Email Kyler Albert.

Two ways to jump in and help in the new year

The new year is a great time to look back at all that has happened, and to look ahead at how God might work through you.

  1. Serving with Five Oaks Kids is an amazing way to pour into the next generation. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, we invite you to observe in a classroom to find the right fit for you. We have many different roles available, from teaching to helping behind the scenes, and you can choose to serve each week, or sub when you can. Email Kelly Bauman for more info.

  2. Five Oaks Students is looking for Small Group Leaders to help our students understand the Bible and discover their place in God’s story. You’ll make Scripture come alive, guide honest conversations, and help students connect God’s Word to their everyday lives. If you're excited to walk alongside the next generation, foster spiritual growth, and equip them to live out their purpose in God’s plan, we’d love for you to join our team! Visit www.fiveoaks.church/serve to get started today.

Do you have questions about your faith?
When friends or family ask important spiritual questions, it can be so exciting – and a bit daunting. What if we don’t have the “right” answers? Starting in January, we’ll have a three-week class for people who are searching or exploring their faith. Hope Explored presents the full life of Jesus and helps participants discover how Jesus fulfills our longing for hope, peace, and purpose. If you’re searching for answers, or know someone who might be interested in this class, email office@fiveoakschurch.org.

Men’s Summit: Step away to move forward
It can be helpful to step away from normal rhythms for a few days so we can step back into them with greater intentionality. You could take that step back during our Men’s Summit weekend, January 31-February 2, 2025. We’ll hear from speaker Dr. Ron Archer and enjoy many fun activities, from pickleball to snowshoeing, with plenty of free time to explore outside or read a book by the fire. Come get recharged! Details and registration here.

Want to have more capacity to be generous?
Most of us want to be generous and more intentional about our finances but get caught in the whirlwind of all the other things of life. What if a short nine-week course could give you the space and rhythm you need to increase your financial intentionality and your capacity to be generous with others? We have two different classes for Financial Peace University starting in February. Details for the class starting on Sunday, February 9, can be found here, and for the one starting on Tuesday, February 11 can be found here.

Thinking about a summer internship in missions?
Now is the time to be thinking and planning for a summer internship! If you’re a junior or senior in high school or a college student, we have a few options to expand your perspective on missions. There’s the potential for a Josiah Ventures summer internship, an APEX global mission trip, or even a mission engagement that God has put on your heart. We would love to talk with you more about the options and help get you connected with the one that would be best for you.  Scholarships are available to help cover a portion of the cost.  Interested?  Email Dave Baar at impact@fiveoakschurch.org.