Weekend of January 11+12

Want to have more capacity to be generous?

Most of us want to be generous and more intentional about our finances but get caught in the whirlwind of all the other things of life. What if a short nine-week course could give you the space and rhythm you need to increase your financial intentionality and your capacity to be generous with others? We have two different classes for Financial Peace University starting in February: one starting on Sunday, February 9, and one on Tuesday, February 11. Interested? Details and registration here.

Story of God - the one true story
Research shows that the number one way to grow spiritually is to read and reflect on Scripture. But frankly, sometimes Scripture is confusing. Our Story of God course is designed to help you see the one big story the Bible is telling and the stories, songs, and letters contained within that broader story. We have several Story of God classes starting this winter. This eight-week class will help you read and understand the Bible with better clarity. You can find the details and register here: www.storyofgod.church.

Try a small group this winter!
We all need people to walk through life with us and help us follow Jesus. Small groups help our big church feel smaller and more connected, and each small group meeting consists of discussion around the most recent sermon, prayer, fellowship time, and of course, food. We have groups meeting every day of the week as well as groups at every age/stage of life. And – bonus – it’s OK to try more than one group to find one that fits you! Interested? Get started here. Questions? Email Steve Johnson, sjohnson@fiveoakschurch.org.

We’re back! 
After a few weeks away, we’re more excited than ever to get back to regular programming and see all of the students again! If you’ve not jumped into youth group yet, give it a try in January! Starting Wednesday, January 15, we’re back in session: middle school is from 6-8 pm, and high school is from 7-9 pm. You can even plan your first visit ahead of time online: www.fiveoaks.church/students. Questions?
Email students@fiveoakschurch.org.

Five Oaks Kids volunteer lunch and training
If you (or your student) serve or sub in Five Oaks Kids, please join us on Saturday, January 18, 12 to 1:30 pm, for lunch and a time to connect with others who serve. We’ll also have some training and time for questions. Details and registration here. If you’re interested in serving in Five Oaks Kids, join us at our lunch and training to learn more!

Five Oaks Students is recruiting volunteers…
We’re looking for Small Group Leaders to help our students understand the Bible and discover their place in God’s story. You’ll make Scripture come alive, guide honest conversations, and help students connect God’s Word to their everyday lives. If you're excited to walk alongside the next generation, foster spiritual growth, and equip them to live out their purpose in God’s plan, we’d love for you to join our team! Email students@fiveoakschurch.org to get started.

Final leg of drive season – Baby Items Drive
Woodbury Options for Women
is one of three organizations we’re supporting with our Baby Items Drive this January. Woodbury Options for Women (WOFW) is a pro-life pregnancy center providing medical, educational, and material support to women and men facing unexpected pregnancies. Ways to get involved include partnering with them in prayer, volunteering, providing diapers and wipes throughout the year, to name a few. Information can be found here: https://woodburymissionpartners.com/ The supply list for this drive is located at the chalkboard in the commons.  If you have any questions about WOFW, email Dave Baar: impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

Register now for the newly-revised Story of God course
Do you ever find the Bible confusing? Ever wondered how you fit into God’s plans for you? If so, consider registering for Story of God, an eight-week guided journey through the Bible. Whether you’re brand new to the Bible or have been reading it for many, many years, this course will help you feel like the Bible is less of a mystery. It will also help you see how the whole Bible fits together to tell one big story. The newly-revised course contains all the important highlights and topics of the previous course, but it is stretched over eight weeks to make the daily pacing more manageable. We have four Story of God classes launching this winter and two next spring. Go to www.storyofgod.church for more info and to register. Questions? Email Jonathan Haage, jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org.

Men’s Summit: Step away to move forward
It can be helpful to step away from normal rhythms for a few days so we can step back into them with greater intentionality. You could take that step back during our Men’s Summit weekend, January 31-February 2, 2025. We’ll hear from speaker Dr. Ron Archer and enjoy many fun activities, from pickleball to snowshoeing, with plenty of free time to explore outside or read a book by the fire. Come get recharged! Details and registration here.

Love is in the air...so let’s pack meals!
Share your LOVE for children around the world who are in desperate need of food around by joining with your Five Oaks family members to pack meals at Feed My Starving Children in Eagan on February 15, from 9:30 am - 11:15 am. Interested? Sign up here: Questions? Email impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

New Member Candidates
Gary & Shaina Elfert
Camron & Ana Sofia Olson
Dan & Kristen Spielman
Katherine Bell