The hope that blooms...

Per our normal tradition, my family took me to the greenhouse to pick out a new hanging plant for Mother's Day. This event tends to kick off my spring flower collection.  A collection of which, by mid-summer, shows the true nature of the fact that I don't really have a "green thumb," even though I tend to convince myself that, "this year is different!"

As I walked around the greenhouse, unable to find the perfect plant, I finally choose a beautiful purplish-red  flowering plant, (that I will research what to actually call and how to care for it), and I found myself hopeful for this season of growing and the blooms that would spring forth from this plant!

I have had the honor of working in the children's ministry here at Five Oaks for almost 2 years now, and I love having the privilege to watch the kids grow and watch their hopes bloom. I love watching them in the classroom sing the songs and read the scripture. I love hearing them answer the questions that their leader has asked and I love watching their excitement grow. 

This weekend and next, we will have sign-up sheets available for summer help in the children's ministry.  I hope that you will take time to pray about how you can be part of the hope that blooms in the hearts of the kids  in the Tree House Children's Ministry.  

Just as I find myself hopeful for this growing season for my plants, I am also hopeful for this season of growing this ministry! 
