Weekend of June 17+18

Men, would you like a mentor?

Guys, do you ever feel like you could be a more effective leader in your family or at work if you had more time to put down deep roots in your faith? Ever feel like your life is dotted with too many “extras” and not enough margin for what matters most? If so, check out the Five Oaks Men Radical Mentoring program. This program pairs small groups of younger men with more mature men for a nine-month dive into discipleship through regular monthly meetings, reading and discussion. More info here.

Does your dad like ice cream?

Bring some pocket change with you to church this weekend — and your dad or dad-type figure — because we’ll have an ice cream truck onsite between and after all three worship services this weekend!

Welcome Pastor Yves Prophete from Haiti — this weekend!
Pastor Yves Prophete, founder and director of Global Vision Citadelle Ministries (GVCM), our long-time Haiti ministry partner, will be sharing in each of our worship services this weekend. This is a great opportunity to hear directly from Pastor Yves about what God is doing in Haiti. You can also catch Pastor Yves before or after each service in the commons! Questions? Email Dave Baar.

New here? Looking for a small group?

Small groups are a great way to meet others at Five Oaks, to find community. If you’re new here, we have a group just for folks like you that’s called, well, the New Here group. It meets on Sunday afternoons at the home of the group’s leaders. We’re starting the next New Here group on Sunday, June 25. Interested in checking it out? Email Peg Benson.

Summertime...and the serving is easy
If you have an upcoming weekend or two where you are NOT headed to the cabin, we'd love to have your heart and hands in Five Oaks Kids! Interested? Email Kelly Bauman with some open weekends.

Join us next Sunday to make VBS beautiful!
Do you think cutting paper for Jesus sounds like a party? (We do!) If you enjoy being creative, or simply have a heart to help, we have TWO dates set aside for preparing VBS decorations. You don’t need to come with a special set of skills. A willingness to help is perfection! Join us on June 25. We’ll start this party at 1 pm in the gym. To help us out with our snack to helper ratio, you can let us know you’ll be there by putting emailing Kelly Bauman.

Attention, young professionals!
Are you looking to experience personal growth and authentic connections? Join us at our new small group for young professionals. We are starting a community of young professionals, 24 and older, where your faith is nurtured and your unique gifts are celebrated. Don’t miss this opportunity to belong, thrive, and make a significant impact alongside others in your same season of life. Join us on June 22 or July 6 at 7 pm in Room 101 to meet others and see what this group is all about. Email Jonathan Haage if you want more information.

Ways to connect this summer!
Summer is often a slower-paced season which can mean it’s also a great season to form new friendships. Connect in our New Here small group that meets twice monthly on Sunday. Email Jonathan Haage if you’re interested in checking it out. Guys, connect with Journeymen, our men’s ministry, twice monthly on Saturday mornings, studying the book of Galatians. Go to www.fiveoaks.church/men to learn more. Ladies, join us for Wednesday morning summer playdates at a local park, or a Bible study option on Tuesday evenings at church. Go to www.fiveoaks.church/women for more info.

Let’s pause to pray for our Impact partners
Mark your calendar! On the last Sunday of each month, we gather to pray through specific prayer requests that we’ve received from the missionaries whom we support and our Impact partners. Join us at 10:15 am in Room 102 each month on the last Sunday. Our next gathering is June 25 – see you there! Questions? Email Dave Baar, impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

Mark your calendar for summer youth group
We want our students to stay connected this summer! With all of our big camps and our mission trip to Panama in the first half of summer, we’re planning to start our summer youth group on July 19, 7-9 pm. Mark your calendar now! We’ll meet weekly through August 23 for games and some Bible study. If you have any questions, please email students@fiveoakschurch.org.

FCA Camp: An action-packed serve opportunity
FCA Camp is four days of high impact for kids and students in 4th-7th grade to learn about Jesus through various sports activities. This camp can’t happen without the help of adult and high school volunteers. You don’t have to be a sporty person to volunteer, just a heart that wants to show and guide campers to learn about Jesus. FCA happens on July 10-13 from 1-4 pm. For more info on the various volunteer roles and to register as a volunteer go to www.fiveoaks.church/students.

Serve a meal at Dorothy Day
If you’d like to make a difference to our neighbors in St. Paul, join us to prepare and serve a meal at the Dorothy Day Center on July 1, 9:30 am-1:15 pm. Interested? Email Tim & Cindy Wiant, wiynts4riverfalls@gmail.com. Tim and Cindy will get back to you with confirmation of your spot on our team for this date. Volunteers need to be at least 13 years old.