Service Night @ Feed My Starving Children - Eagan

We invite you to join us on September 23, 2016 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm.  

The Five Oaks Church Family is coming together to pack meals for starving children world-wide. We will meet at the FMSC Eagan Facility, 990 Lone Oak Road, Suite 136 Eagan, MN 55121 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm. Get your Small Group together, bring your friends, or serve together with your family. You will have fun and you will make a real difference to a hungry child!

To Sign-Up:  1) Go to,

                     2) Click on the “Volunteer “ tab

                     3) Click on the “Join A Group” tab

                     4) Enter our event # 966139  

See you all there!

- Jerry Meras, Director of Outreach   

Back to School!

When I was younger, I always dreaded going back to school. It meant that summer was over and I would have to return to school. I hated all the clothes and school shopping that Mom would force my sister and I to do. I always wished summer would never end.... Fast forward years later and now this is one of my favorite times of the year! I  get very excited when I see all the school supplies highlighted at stores and all the sales on "new school" clothes. I get excited because it means our fall ministry season begins! I get to again see the students and leaders every Wednesday night. Fall also brings new opportunities to support students in sports, plays, academics, and anything else they are passionate about. Back to School means many new potential friendships to be made! I no longer dread "Back to school"! 

Justin Talk

Student Ministry Associate 

Weekend of September 3 + 4

Ice cream and mini donuts at church?! - Yes, it’s true. Yums like church.How so, you ask? Brought to you by our Five Oaks FUN our ministries resume normal programming the weekend of September 10 & 11, we’ll celebrate with the MikMart Ice Cream Truck and the Free Indeed gluten-free mini donuts and strawberry smoothies!

China Impact Blog

Here is the vision of our city team in China:

“We are incarnational participants in our community developing people into healthy disciple makers and church leaders to reproduce healthy churches to the ends of the earth.”

Each member of the team has a different passion. Below is one:

"My passion is to invest in wom­en, families, and children. With a background in education, God has used me to train Sunday school teachers and to walk alongside women and moms. I love working with the church’s next generation of leaders—kids! I love teach­ing them God’s Word and helping to develop their character and education so that they can effectively lead tomorrow’s church.”

What can you do?

Pray for the impact of the Guang Hua Church Family Retreat taking place August 26 - 28, 2016 -- that those who attend would be strengthened in carrying out God’s mission with the learning and encouragement that they received.

Kevin Johnson - China Impact Coordinator


God of Peace

Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
— 1 Thessalonians 5

Keep this as a reminder with you all week.
Click the button below to download a lock screen for your phone.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You come here each weekend and you serve others
    and you brighten our doorways
    and you meet people’s needs
    and you listen
    and you help
    and you try
    and above all you’re there.

You might be the first, 
    or only friendly face someone sees in their entire week.

You praise each other’s strengths
    and bear each other’s failings, 
    because that’s what we all are, 
    a collection of strengths and failings…
    examples of God’s mercy and grace.

And I am so blessed by each and every one of you,
    because you extend that same grace to me.

It is a highlight of my weekend here at church to be able to see each one of you,
    to be able to walk around and thank you,
    to catch up with you and say hi.

Each one of you matters so much…
    to me, 
    to God, 
    and to the folks that walk through our doors.

And I have to believe that each one of you carry the same attitude into your everyday, 
    walking-about-the-world lives, 
    because how could you not?

It is who you are.

So thank you for being you
    and for letting others see that.

You bless me
         every day.

-Carol Jorgensen
Connections Manager

Get in the Game

When our kids were younger, and too little to yet participate in youth soccer, they participated in a fantastic beginners’ soccer experience. On the last evening of a six-week class, as the children wrapped up their 45 minute session, the instructors invited the parents onto the field. 

As the parents all filed onto the field, we were immediately engaged not just with our children, but also with each other. I smiled at, shook hands with, and talked to other parents I had sat quietly next to for the past five weeks.  We were strangers to each other, hiding behind smartphones and tablets, despite having sat on the same bleachers for five weeks watching our kids ‘together.’  Once on the field together, we shared a spirit of camaraderie, community, and of course… our children and the game. We were there because our kids were there. We were in the game together. 

They ran up and down the field, chasing and kicking the ball. There was no order beyond the red and blue jerseys — organized chaos at best —  and it was beautiful. There was joy, there was fun, and we were in the middle of it with our children. 

Our job was to encourage them and cheer for them as they played. We also were instructed to form a perimeter and when the ball came near us, our job was to simply help keep it in play. 

As I reflected on this experience, the metaphor for how we journey with our students ran deeper than I could ever give words to. So let it take you where it will. 

Most notably, it seems as students grow and enter new stages of life, it can be difficult for us as parents to know where we belong in the mix. We’re not sure how involved to be, or when to listen instead of talk. We may begin to feel unwanted, unneeded, and unsure of what we’d do if we were asked to get in the ‘game.’ Naturally, we sit out. And watch. Or worse, we restrict their participation. Not because we don’t want to be in the ‘game,’ but because we’re not sure of our place, and we feel the sense of losing the control we’ve always had, or at least thought we had.

What’s the alternative? Get. In. The Game. The ‘game’ is really not a game at all but is in fact the journey of life that you have the privilege to be on with your student, and your student needs you. They need you in a way that is different from the way they needed you before, but they need you nonetheless. Rather than losing control, your method of influence is evolving. They need your encouragement, your support, and your presence as they learn and experience life as they’ve never experienced it. They need to talk through what they think about what they see. In many ways the role you play in your student’s life, although less direct than before, is more important than ever.

Your role isn’t to control the ‘game’ or what position they play, to take their steps or kick the ball for them. You role is to be there. You don’t have to be an expert at the ‘game.’ None of us is.

Get in the ‘game’…because that’s where your student is. That’s where your student needs you, and it’s where you belong. 

As we ramp up toward fall and the year of student ministry ahead, we face some challenges.  And we will need to face these challenges together as we carry on our student ministry and continue to build it as a place that brings the story of God to life for the next generation. 

A key piece to how we’re going to do this —  through weekend services, student ministry programming, and most importantly,  through your family unit itself —  is with The Gospel Project curriculum. It will equip our church community as well as adults, students, children and families to integrate and engage with one another around the story of God more deeply than ever before. It is an incredible tool that will equip you as a parent while you step into life with your student and your family in the way that God has designed.

-John Eiselt
Family and Discipleship Pastor

Will you join us this fall?

It has been said that it is possible to know all of the Bible stories and miss the Bible story: the story of redemption through Jesus Christ! 

We are so excited to introduce The Gospel Project curriculum to Five Oaks this fall! The Gospel Project is designed to walk participants of all ages through scripture, chronologically, in order to understand how all scripture testifies to the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

As we take on this exciting new adventure, we need the help of people, like yourselves, to make it all happen. I would like to take this opportunity to ask if you would consider joining us this coming year (Sept. 2016 - May 2017) in The Tree House Children's Ministry, either as a nursery caregiver, toddler teacher, a Retreat room assistant or as a teacher or assistant in any our 2's -5th grade classrooms.

If you are interested in more information, please contact us at

Thank you for considering what role you can play in the lives of the children of Five Oaks as we come alongside families in bringing the Story of God to life!