2015 Haiti Short-Term Misison Trip

This past August, Five Oaks Church sent 12 short-term missionaries to Haiti to work with our partner Global Vision Citadelle Ministries at the All God's Children Orphanage outside of Mirebalais. We have partnered with GVCM since 2005 and continue to support their efforts to spread the Gospel, care for orphans and grow the church throughout Haiti. 

About Haiti:   

From a historical, cultural, and political standpoint, Haitian people have struggled for survival amidst controversy and opposition. The Lord is making a difference through His Word and His people. There is much more that needs to be done.

  • Haiti – the poorest nation in the western hemisphere
  • Land size – about the size of the state of Maryland
  • Population – 7.6 million
  • Most Haitian people live on the margin of social life in inhumane conditions

Below is an update from Haiti Team Leader, Ron Schlegel:   

Haiti Trip Update

A Five Oaks team just returned from another successful trip to All God’s Children Orphanage in Haiti.  Time was spent mentoring the children on Godly traits and helping them learn their spiritual gifts.  The team also worked on small projects at the orphanage and handed out rice and beans while preaching the Gospel to remote areas of the country.  A videographer followed the team to capture all the activities.  If you wish to learn more about this trip, or come on a future one, please write to Haiti@FiveOaksChurch.org.



As I sit in the dulled light of a quiet house, after the kids have gone to bed, I take in a deep breathe of an excited anticipation of how God is going to use our beloved teachers and helpers this coming year!  

As your kids head down to the children's wing this weekend and you pass through the doors, say a prayer of blessing over our young ones as they learn to study and understand thier Bibles. Pray that they see Jesus in every story! Anticipate, along with us, as we watch God move through our children this 2015/2016 season! 



Kids Hope USA 2015 - 16 School Year

A new school year has started and we are looking for Five Oakers to serve as Mentors to children at Woodbury Elementary. You will spend one hour a week with your child developing a truly meaningful relationship. There is no better investment of your time then the hour you give a child. If you are interested please email KHUSA@fiveoakschurch.org.
Please join me in welcoming our new KHUSA Leadership Team:
Judy Visness - Mentor / Child Coordinator
Nichole Zacharias - Asst. Mentor Coordinator
Wendy Kremrey - Communications Coordinator
Carol Haglund - Prayer Partner Coordinator

We will be launching the new KHUSA year on October 5, 2015. Be a part of it!!


Proposed By Law Changes - November 2015

Attached are the changes to our by-laws the governing board is proposing for approval at our congregational meeting, November 22, 2015. Click below to view a PDF. 

Watch for me details on the specifics of the meeting (last year it was a massive potluck!, but we will see you, November 22.

Proposed By Law changes requiring congregational approval at the November 22, 2015 Congregational Meeting

This Summer in Children's Ministry

Summer began unlike past summers here in Children's Ministry.......

Tree House Children's Ministry Director, Jeni Carlson, resigned to move to the next adventure that God had in store for her, and Cindy Yarrington and myself (Rhiannon Rutledge)  stepped up to Co-Lead this ministry and we are loving where God is leading.  God has taken this opportunity to grow us in so many ways and is leading us on an exciting path in to this season.  

This summer was the second year that I  had the opportunity to be part of our incredible VBS experience, where we had the immense excitement of 212 kids joining the 125 volunteers that stepped up to make it an amazing week! The set was incredible, snacks were yummy, the games energizing, the music electrifying and the teaching of the Word of God was brought to life in such a tangible way, that we had the privilege to observe 36 kids cross the line of faith and make first time decisions to follow Christ. 

One of my personal favorite parts of the summer was to spend time with church staff and volunteers to cast vision for the fall. God has been doing exciting things in Cindy and I's hearts and we are so excited to share those with you in the coming weeks and months! 

Stay tuned as we share what God is dong in Tree House Children's Ministry to reach the hearts of our beautiful and blessed young ones here at Five Oaks.

~Rhiannon Rutledge 

Feed My Starving Children - 4 Million Meal - Woodbury Mega-Pack

FMSC MobilePack

FMSC MobilePack

Make a real difference this October! Five Oaks Church is partnering with FMSC, other Woodbury churches and organizations to pack 4 MILLION MEALS. Woodbury will feed the starving children of Haiti and Nicaragua along with the hungry locally. 10% of the money raised will be donated to our local Christian Cupboard Emergency Food Shelf.

You can help in two different ways: The event goes from Thursday, October 8 through Sunday, October 11, but Five Oakers will come together to pack meals on Saturday, October 10 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. We have reserved 1,000 spots! Join our team at http://www.woodburyfeeds.org/. Click on the “Join a Group” and search for “Five Oaks Church” or enter our Group # 733128.

The second way you can help is to donate towards the costs of the meals. Each meal is 22 cents, but 4 million is a large number. Our MobilePack event needs to raise $880,000 to cover the costs of ingredients. Five Oaks has pledged $50,000 toward the event. To meet our commitment, we will have a Special Giving on the weekend of September 13. Per UNICEF, in 1990, 12 million children under the age of 5 died of starvation. Today, the number is closer to 6.3 million annually. It is still a huge problem, but together with FMSC we are saving lives, we are making a difference!

For more information contact Jerry Meras, jmeras@fiveoakschurch.org.